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  • You want to stop yo-yo dieting, learn to fuel your body properly, and finally see the results of your workouts while having food freedom
  • ​You can't stand the thought of continuing this trial and error of diet after diet, program after program, and are ready for a roadmap to get there
  • ​You are done with cookie cutter programs and want personalized recommendations for your body, your lifestyle, and your goals
  • ​​You have a vision for your true fitness potential and are ready to work smarter, not harder to live a healthy sustainable lifestyle 

Reviews From Clients

"With this program I saw a dramatic improvement in my digestion. and lost 4 inches in my waist"
Before this program, I was eating around 1200 calories a day. I equated less food, less calories with being healthier and leaner.  I was dealing with low energy, not understanding what foods best fueled my lifestyle and excessive digestive issues. By Thursday I would barely manage to get through spin class and feel wiped the rest of the day ending up in the nearest drive-thru for sustenance.

With this program I saw a dramatic improvement in my digestion. I lost 4 inches in my waist and reduced gut inflammation. I went from going to the bathroom once every 7-10 days (afraid to travel) to every other day. From a double dose of Pepcid daily to zero heartburn and an improvement in my energy. I don’t have to take heartburn medication at all, I now have fewer migraines, and teach spin classes better.

I am able to pass on a positive example with food for my daughters and teach them to fuel their bodies.

I would tell anyone considering this that you are knowledgeable about food, easy to work with, and I would tell them my positive results. Thank you for your help!

-Hallie Finstad / Labor and delivery Nusrse + Spin Instructor
"Shay you're amazing"
"I struggled with macros and balancing eating enough to maintain my weight and build muscle. I felt frustrated and stuck, not moving forwards or backward in my progress.
I have learned that I was undernourishing my body for my goals. I have seen an increase in muscle mass, improvement in my workout performance, fat loss, improved mood and confidence, and most importantly an increase my knowledge about nutrition as a whole. I have to understand the "how" to understand the "why", and Shay does a great job explaining everything.
I am able to trust my food choices without logging every calorie and macro down to the gram. I don't constantly think about food; "What am I going to eat tomorrow?" "What happens at Thanksgiving?" "A restaurant?! Ugh." I am physically and mentally stronger. I have peace with food, finally."

Shantelle Taylor / RN, 25
"I have way more freedom (with food)"
“Before starting I didn’t know how to fuel my body properly, it felt frustrating. After working with Shay, I learned how to balance my meals, I have lost 15 lbs, 10 inches, and feel WAY better.
She helps with mindset getting deep into why all this is important. Going deeper (I didn’t want to go there at first) and finding that pushed me along and helped me accept this as a journey not a quick fix like all the diets I had tried before.
For the 1st time I’ve embraced the food instead of trying to “out workout” what I eat.
I have way more freedom (with food), I don’t feel as restricted, I’ve learned that nothing is off limits just be mindful.
Summer 2021 was the most free I have ever felt with food.”

– Katie Tangen / Hair Stylist, mom of 3
"You made me like myself again and brought some peace into my life"
"I was gaining and losing the same 10 pounds even with eating only 1200-1400 calorie a day. Having binge days because I couldn't sustain that low of calories. Cravings were unbelievable. 
I've learned that my body likes food, especially protein! It functions better with it and my mind doesn't make me feel deprived and wanting to eat way more than I need. I have gotten stronger, I have lost 5 pounds and 4 inches and I am a happier person! All very good things! 
I feel satisfied with my food choices; I can have things now that I never would have allowed myself to before. And I can move forward not feeling guilty now. Progress isn't stopped. I also can be around food and not think that I am deprived, because I'm not! So it doesn't trigger me! I have more confidence and feel better physically now. 
That it is the best thing I have done for myself. The cost of the program doesn't compare to the benefits I have seen and felt these last 6 months. 
Thank you, thank you, thank you! You made me like myself again and brought some peace into my life! My body thanks you too! 

-Kari Peters / Retired, 54
"I needed the tools to have a healthy diet without feeling derived. This program did exactly that.”
I was struggling with weight(fat) from my pregnancies and time at home from COVID that I just couldn’t shed. I didn’t feel good in my body or in my clothes. I wanted to be fit again and have defined muscle. But I also knew that I didn’t want another “fad diet.” I didn’t want to have to feel like I was depriving myself of certain things.
I have learned how to use food as fuel for my body. I have learned how to eat well so that I don’t have to feel guilty or uncomfortable or bad in any way about eating or drinking the things I enjoy. I have learned a lot more about my body and how to be more mindful. I am more in tune with my body and how it is affected by certain foods or how it feels if I’m not fueling it properly.  
When it comes to eating I want to eat whole meals. I know that if I fill my body up with good food even if it’s more calories, that I will feel good and be sustained for longer. I rarely want small snacks anymore. I rather eat a small meal. I also feel like I know how to better fuel my family. I want my kids to know that having balance in life is important. 
This program is absolutely worth it! I wanted a program not even a program-I needed someone to help me understand how to fuel my body with the right food. I didn’t want to go low carb, I didn’t want to give up sweets that I enjoy, I didn’t want to worry about not having enough points to enjoy a drink or a certain food. I needed the tools to have a healthy diet without feeling derived. This program did exactly that.”

-Kori Nakitare / SAHM, 34

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